One product design brief given in my first semester of second year was to create a product or service that could increase the over-all standard of health on campus.

There were six main topics we could stem from :
Healthy Eating - Environment - Sexual Health - Mental Health - Physical Health - Addictions

Collectively, my group an I chose to investigate the delve into the topic of Healthy Eating. We chose to use a mixed method style of research to gain as much knowledge as possible as we were restricted by a deadline.

Qualitative research was conducted in the form of interviews, we wanted to get insights into UL's healthy eating stance and state.

Interviewee's Included : - Campus Nurse
                                         - A Vegan Student
                                         - The 1st Year Coordinators
                                         - UL's Student President

Gathered Quantitative such as surveys and observations regarding food, led us to our 100 Observations, Problems and Needs.

Our group Then broke these down into Their Themes and Sub Categories.
From this we found the categories of immunity, toxicity, nutrients, calories, price crunch & convenience could all be addressed with a powder, fruit dispenser at the UL Water fountains. The "Healthy Fountain" could dispense fruit, BCAA's, caffeine, multivitamins and more to a UL branded, or your own Nutri-Bullet Bottle.

It would work via the RFID scanner in our student cards with a "Tap to Pay" method. This credit would be topped up via an app on your phone similar to the print credit already in place in UL.
I made Renders using Solidworks, and our group made an app mock up via AdobeXD.
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